Why use documentaries in home-ed lessons? Encouraging homeschoolers to sit down and watch TV sounds counterproductive but if what they’re watching is entertaining enough to pass as TV, if the...
Never be within doors when you can rightly be without Charlotte MasonVol 1: Home Education Part II Out of Door Life For The Children A daily dose of nature is...
Lesson planning can be an overwhelming thought when you’re starting homeschooling. You might know what you need to teach, but how to teach it..isn’t that something teachers train for years...
Poetry, prose, etymology.. Shakespeare’s writings are something no literature curriculum is complete without. If you’re not an English teacher the idea of teaching Shakespeare might be daunting – even if...
There is nothing to compare with the experience of physically visiting galleries and museums with your homeschooled children, but sometimes it’s just not possible. If you aren’t able to visit...
Drama is a fun element to add to a homeschool curriculum and also a fantastic way to encourage homeschoolers to develop confidence in narration and presentation, skills that are useful...
When my home learners read this post they’ll laugh. My desktop is a chaotic mass of screenshots and downloads, the paper filing system is even worse chaos. Organisation of the...
Every child can 'succeed' - even if success is redefined away from academics. Academic building blocks give a guideline to help children succeed at their own pace
The more comfortable we are with the medium we’re using to write words down..pen, pencil, keyboard.. the easier it is to transfer the words from our heads onto paper or...