Grammarly is an application that is essentially a better version of spellcheck. It was designed to make it easier for people to communicate effectively and, according to its stats, has...
Skillshare offers tutor-created courses in animation, creative writing, video, graphic design and illustration, music and photography as well as UX/UI design and Web Development making it a fantastic resource for...
Facilitating home education is about finding a balance between what you can teach, what you want to teach, and how much time you have to prepare lesson materials. As a...
If you’re home-educating siblings, keeping little ones occupied while homeschooling big ones can be tricky. Activities that can be done at a table or in a highchair make little ones...
Home-educating with younger siblings around can be complicated! Painting is a good activity to occupy little hands and minds, and keeps toddlers (relatively) quiet so older siblings can concentrate.
The ways to use Lego in homeschool lessons are limitless. Lego can be used to teach a wide range of skills, can be used with all age groups, and building...
When it comes to ‘science’ as an academic subject, a child’s enthusiastic desire to seek wonder is a teacher’s best friend and science is all about wonder! Without curiosity, science...