Take Lessons Outside..

Never be within doors when you can rightly be without 

Charlotte Mason
Vol 1: Home Education Part II Out of Door Life For The Children

A daily dose of nature is beneficial to everyone and as a home educator, you’re home with your children all day. While that’s one of the beauties of home education, it can also be the hardest; getting outdoors for half an hour is not only scientifically more beneficial than a cup of coffee, in a homeschool environment, changing the setting of a lesson can instantly change its mood. Whether it’s a pre-planned nature lesson or a ‘this isn’t working let’s get out!’ escape, spending time outdoors together revitalises everyone – whatever the weather!

  • Data collection
  • Reading
  • Art
  • Maths
  • Foraging
  • Gardening
  • Bird Watching
  • Nature Study

can all be done outside, require no prep, adapt to the seasons and make learning fun.

..and after, bring the outside in.

  • Use their data to make graphs (maths)
  • Write about what you saw (diary entry/report/letter writing)
  • Note how many steps you took and calculate the muscle mass gained (physics & maths)
  • Calculate the calories burned while prepping and eating lunch (mental maths, biology & nutrition)
  • Make art with anything they’ve collected (shells, sticks, leaves, pine cones…)

Getting outside is a great way to reset the homeschool day. If a lesson’s getting stressful, take a break, get fresh air and come back in and try again. Play with the seasons and catch their smiles.

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