woman in black framed eyeglasses holding pen
Planning a Homeschool Curriculum: What? Why? How?

What will home learners study? Why are they studying what? How will that learning be facilitated? Planning a homeschool curriculum is the first step to homeschool success but before that…

Interest-Led Learning

The purpose of interest-led learning is to allow homeschoolers to follow an interest; valuing the interest as a school-worthy subject. It doesn't matter whether it's a region of the world,…

boy standing while reading map
What to include in a school project?

Project-based work is also a good way to encourage homeschoolers to engage in interest-based, self-directed learning. Setting project-based school work allows home educators to give home-ed pupils open-ended studies of…

Homeschool Lesson Objectives

Is this a skill, topic or project-based lesson? Lesson planning for homeschool starts with a lesson objective - a purpose to the lesson. The learning objective may be to teach/practice…