How to use homeschooler’s questions to plan lessons

Google the questions homeschoolers ask! It takes seconds and can send them (and you) down rabbit holes of learning. Learning how to research traditionally, using reference books and talking to…

The Bayeux Tapestry and Reading Museum

I stumbled across Reading Museum when googling Bayeux Tapestry resources. The depth of information provided makes the exhibits in the online museum perhaps more accessible than a visit to the…

Gardening as part of a curriculum

Practical studies are a great way to get children excited about a subject. Gardening is a brilliant subject to include in a homeschool - it gets everyone outside, curriculum topics…

Visiting Museums from Home

Museums provide fantastic online resources for learning, whether it's taking a virtual school trip or using the museum's resources to create and support home-ed lessons. Thanks to a proactive move…

Lesson Planning: Joy of Museums

Joy of Museums isn't just a great site for finding museums to visit as virtual school trips, it's a fantastic homeschool resource. The website fantastic pages like this Ancient and…

The National History Museum (London)

The website of the London National History Museum is an incredible resource for home educators. It's a website that's as easy to navigate around as a museum is to walk…

What to include in a school project?

Project-based work is also a good way to encourage homeschoolers to engage in interest-based, self-directed learning. Setting project-based school work allows home educators to give home-ed pupils open-ended studies of…

Home-Ed Study Weeks

Home education, just like school, can at times become repetitive and it's always good to shake it up and make sure the process of learning continues to be enjoyable for…

Safe Surfing

It is entirely possible to home educate without using internet sources. For years homeschoolers have educated their children by relying on books for lesson materials and education resources, however now,…

Offering homeschooled students choices

Lesson Choices If you put students in charge of setting lesson objectives they’ll be instantly more engaged with the lesson. Whether it’s offering two different styles of worksheets, the choice…