Homeschool Supplies

It is very easy to get carried away shopping for homeschool essentials! But the truth is, you don't actually need a lot of supplies to homeschool efficiently. Books, writing materials,…

Using Documentaries in Home-Ed Lessons

Why use documentaries in home-ed lessons? Encouraging homeschoolers to sit down and watch TV sounds counterproductive but if what they're watching is entertaining enough to pass as TV, if the…

Take Lessons Outside..

Never be within doors when you can rightly be without  Charlotte MasonVol 1: Home Education Part II Out of Door Life For The Children A daily dose of nature is…

Virtual School Trips

There is nothing to compare with the experience of physically visiting galleries and museums with your homeschooled children, but sometimes it's just not possible. If you aren’t able to visit…

A Digitally Organised Homeschool

When my home learners read this post they'll laugh. My desktop is a chaotic mass of screenshots and downloads, the paper filing system is even worse chaos. Organisation of the…

Learning to (Type) Write

The more comfortable we are with the medium we're using to write words down..pen, pencil, keyboard.. the easier it is to transfer the words from our heads onto paper or…

Reading Aloud

The benefits of reading aloud are numerous and it's a great activity to include in a daily home-ed schedule. Improved pronunciation and vocabulary The obvious benefit but such an important…

A Home-Ed Contract

You’re going to teach it - they’re going to learn it Home education is a team commitment. Ultimately the decision to home educate is yours not your children's, but just…

How to Turn Anything into a Homeschool Lesson

When you start home educating, everything becomes a possible lesson resource. Lesson resources can be found in newspapers and articles, on posters and in tv shows, in films and nature,…