Audiobooks are fantastic teaching material for home education. Easy to use in a variety of lesson formats, audiobooks are easily accessible lesson content to use at home or on the go. The audiobooks below are books we’ve used/are using as part of our home education curriculum.
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‘Term’ Books
These are audiobooks that link to the academic studies of the ‘term’.
Mr 10 is fascinated with birds, so Mr 11 and he already knew about the Royal Society for Protection of Birds. They’ve long-used the RSPB website for nature and bird-based project research and were interested to learn about how the society came about.

This reads enough like Mary Poppins to keep kids engaged, while also doing a great job of realistically introducing society at the time. Ostensibly a book about how one woman made a stand to protect birds from slaughter by the fashion industry, it’s a book that also contains many conversation starters for a study of British society in the 19th century.
Books are a brilliant way to teach empathy. Autism is a word they come into contact with frequently – what does it really mean? Can You See me would be an excellent addition to PSE lessons.

Books about places allow you to travel the world from home. Following Queen Elizabeth’s funeral and lessons on the pageantry of the ceremonies, and spurred on by their love of Sherlock Holmes, they were eager to learn more about London.

Outside of ‘school’ books, we’re listening to Geronimo Stilton (via Spotify), Sherlock Holmes (Stephen Fry is one of our favourite audiobooks narrators) and Salt, Fat, Acid Heat which is interesting, fun to listen to and is encouraging our homeschoolers to experiment in the kitchen.