10 Great Read-Aloud Books for Toddlers

Reading books with toddlers is a great bonding experience for parent-child and is setting the groundwork for those toddlers becoming children who love to read!

1) Handa’s Surprise

Handa takes a basket of fruit to her friend, Akeyo. En route, inquisitive animals take pieces of fruit from the basket leaving Handa surprised when she finally reaches her friend. A gorgeous book that is fun to read.

Handa’s Surprise – Eileen Browne

2) We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

This book is a delight to read. Toddlers will love to repeat the sounds made as the family adventure to hunt a bear.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt- Michael Rosen & Helen Oxenbury

3) Mungo Monkey goes on a Train

Lift-the-flap books are always popular and the illustrations in the Mungo Monkey series keep toddlers engaged. In this book, Mungo and his sister have a day out with their grandparents.

Mungo Monkey goes on a Train – Lydia Monks

4) Guess How Much I Love You

A beautiful book toddlers love to join in with reading.

Guess How Much I Love You – Sam McBratney

5) Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy

Vocabulary doesn’t need to be simplified for toddlers to understand. The Hairy Maclary series is an excellent example of this.

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy – Lynley Dodd

6) Mog the Forgetful Cat

From the author of The Tiger Who Came to Tea, Mog the Forgetful Cat is a classic every toddler will love.

Mog the Forgetful Cat – Judith Kerr

7) Say Hello to the Dinosaurs

Great for practising phonics sounds, toddlers will love the tactile aspect of feeling the dinosaurs’ scales.

Say Hello to the Dinosaurs – Ian Whybrow & Tim Warnes

8) Winnie-the-Pooh

A classic for a reason, reading aloud the stories of this beloved bear introduces toddlers to Winnie-the-Pooh and friends and also teaches them to learn to love books with more words than pictures.

Winnie-the-Pooh – A.A Milne

9) Supermarket Zoo

A funny, imaginative book sure to keep toddlers entertained.

Supermarket Zoo – Caryl Hart & Ed Eaves

10) The Cat in the Hat

The perfect introduction to the quirky world of Dr Seuss, The Cat in the Hat is an excellent toddler read-aloud book.

The Cat in the Hat – Dr. Seuss

Reading aloud with toddlers is a perfect bonding activity and sets them up for a lifetime of enjoyment of books. Grab a blanket, a pile of books and settle down to make memories you’ll treasure long after they’re reading those same books out loud to themselves ♡

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